Second Sunday Sacred Singing

The Second Sunday of each month I will be leading chants and songs for a virtual 90-minute re-group, re-charge, re-new time. You will be muted as we sing, so you can feel free to sing and dance. This is simply an opportunity to sing with others and feel the joy of connecting through music. 

Each month will be a new theme:

April 11: This month will be about abundance and prosperity.  

May 9: Mother’s Day – This month is about love for our mothers, mother earth, and expressing loving-kindness for all.     

Time:  5:30 – 7:00 pm Pacific Time (6:30-8:00 Mountain, 7:30-9:00 Central, 8:30-10:00 Eastern)

Suggested donation: Love Offering

Karen is performing these concerts on a Love Offering basis – no one will be turned away. If you would like to make a donation you may do so in the following ways:

1. PayPal –
2. Venmo – @karen-drucker-3

3. Check – PO Box 134, Mill Valley, CA 94942

The event is on Zoom, and will be on a First-Come-First-Logged-On basis. The Zoom Room will be open 15 minutes before the event. Here is the Zoom link for April and May: Second Sunday Sacred Sing