Give Yourself the Gold

The Olympics are over. New stars were born right before our eyes with their amazing victories, and there were would-be stars who saw their moment come and go in defeat in a nanosecond.  Since I grew up as a competitive swimmer, logging hundreds of hours in the pool, going to swimmeets every weekend, and having […]

One Small Step

I had a big thrill this week. Did I get a major record deal? Win the lottery? Get an all expenses paid trip to my heaven on earth: Hawaii? No, I had a validation that I had made a difference. A small one – but a difference nonetheless, and it felt really good. I live […]

Celebrate Your Life

It’s the month of June – a time for graduations, when summer officially begins, and it is also a time of celebrations and sometimes of moving on.  Every June I travel to Southern California to sing at the graduation of a school for emotionally handicapped kids that my sister owns.  These are kids that may […]