Nourish Your Soul

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

Recently I attended a workshop given by my friend Rev. David Ault. In an exercise, David mentioned a concept he learned from Carolyn Myss, who said that many of the main “themes” that run our lives were made from a 6-second decision somewhere in our youth. This 6-second decision can oftentimes subconsciously control our lives and undermine our happiness in ways that we might be unaware of.

One 6-second moment came to my mind immediately. I was probably about 15, lying on my bed, reading a book and just relaxing. My Dad had just come home, and who knows if he had a bad day at work, but for some reason he laid into me about being lazy and how I should be doing my homework, or helping my Mom with dinner, or doing something other than “loafing around.” Being the good girl that I was, I immediately got up, put the book down, and kept myself in motion for the rest of the evening…and for the rest of the school year…and as I have realized – for the rest of my life. In other words, I took that 6-second moment and made it the “theme” of my life; that I should be a human “doing” rather than a human “being”. I have lived my life feeling that my self worth and value will always be dependent on me producing, doing, achieving, and that rest, relaxation, and self-nurturing were selfish and wrong.

Am I the only one that got this message? 

There was a Sunday a few weeks ago where it was raining, I had nowhere to be, nothing to do, and I allowed myself a whole day of just “being”. I stayed in my jammies, read, watched a movie, etc. … It was heaven. AND I still heard that voice saying I should get up and DO SOMETHING!!!! But the difference was, I am no longer 15 years old, and I can choose differently now. So I am choosing more days like this one, and more space and relaxation in this New Year! (And ironically when I do practice self-care and give myself space, I wind up still getting things done but in a much happier and balanced way!) 

So in this Valentine’s Day month – I hope you will allow yourself some radical self-care, lots of self-love, and that you give yourself whatever you need – including buying yourself flowers and candy!

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